Municipal Offices
Municipal Clerk and Borough Administrator: Bonnie Taft
Phone: 856-858-2457 Ext 6002
Fax: 856-854-0180
Pay tax & sewer bill
Municipal Offices
Municipal Clerk and Borough Administrator: Bonnie Taft
Phone: 856-858-2457 Ext 6002
Fax: 856-854-0180
Public Works
Councilman Vincenzo Angelucci
Superintendent: Rick Hawco Ext. 6018
Property Maintenance/Code Enforcement
Chris Marcucci
Public Works provides essential services to the citizens of Oaklyn in a prompt, courteous, safe, efficient, and cost-effective manner. Public Works, through its dedicated employees, strives to plan, design, build, maintain, and operate public infrastructure in a manner that respects the environment and the ability of government to adequately preserve these assets for
succeeding generations.
Councilperson Sara Cairns
CFO: Bonnie Taft Ext. 6002
Tax Collector: Samantha Taft Ext. 6003
Tax Assessor: John Dymond Ext. 6006
Planning & Zoning
Councilman David Wright
Planning Board Secretary: Janet LaBar
Zoning Official: Robert Forbes
Ext. 6004
Construction Code Official: William Fisher
Ext. 6001
Public Safety
Councilwoman Dot Valianti
Police Chief - Jayne Jones
Recreation & Senior Affairs
Council President Nancy MacGregor
The Department of Recreation and Senior Affairs is responsible for many of the town wide events in Oaklyn.. These events include the Christmas Tree Lighting, Easter Egg Hunt, July 4th Parade, Town Picnic, and Halloween Hayrides. We also have an ambitious program of History Bus Tours, Senior Luncheons, and guest speakers on a wide variety of topics.
The Oaklyn Civic Association, a dedicated group of Oaklyn volunteers, works with our department to insure that all the residents of our town, young and old alike, can enjoy a full year of exciting activities. We welcome new members!
Public/Community Relations
Councilman Chad Jordan
Oaklyn Police Department
Oaklyn Fire Department
Oaklyn Court Administration
Court & Violations Bureau - 856-858-0074
Office Hours: M-Th 8am-4pm / Fri 8am-12pm
Court Admin: Dawn Hirst Ext. 6046
Deputy Court Admin: Jennifer Marcucci
Court Clerk: Marie Rudderow
File Clerk: Sue Lewis
Oaklyn Court Online Session
Every Wednesday of the month (Virtual) First appearance arrangement @10:00 am
8:30 am attorney/PD cases & 9:00 am Pro Se.
9:00 am Oaklyn & Mt. Ephraim
11:00 am Brooklawn & Barrington